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Speaker Sponsorship 101


Speaker Sponsorship 101 is for speakers who want to make a living as a speaker through corporate and small business sponsorship. With your own sponsorship you have no competition in the very competitive speaker industry.

STOP waiting for someone to give you a speaking job! CREATE YOUR OWN!



Keynote Sessions

Get a sponsor for all of your unpaid keynote speaking engagements

Breakout Sessions

Most conferences have dozens of unpaid breakout sessions. Get a sponsor and never do an unpaid breakout session again.

STOP speaking for FREE! Start making money NOW as a paid speaker with small business sponsorship!

Sign Up Now

How many times have you heard this from a meeting planner:

“We don’t pay speakers”?

Not only that, but many meeting planners don’t pay any expenses, and some even ask you to pay admission to the conference itself. Facing the difficult landscape of today’s marketplace, speakers are faced with two options: give up speaking or find another way to make money from it.

So, stop speaking for free!

…and start getting your share of the multi billion dollar sponsorship industry. In other words, there are many different ways to work a deal. You just let sponsors know what you want and what you’re willing to give them in return.In the very beginning all speakers start out speaking for free. It’s like being an apprentice or practicing at open mics for comedians looking to get in front of an audience. Nothing wrong with that at all. Everyone needs to do it in the beginning to get the bugs out and figure out what the heck you’re doing.But any speaker worth their salt should be able to take the training wheels off pretty quickly. There comes a time when you know you’re ready to start getting paid for it. 

I have gotten some sponsors thanks to all your help, I couldn't have done it without you!

 Jill Flinders

"I was introduced to Julie Austin from Speaker Sponsor after taking her Speaker Sponsorship online class. Using the system she taught in her course and the complementary brainstorming session I received, in addition to the class I was able to secure my first sponsor for speaking at the International Conference of Chemical Engineering in Phoenix, Arizona. I highly recommend Speaker Sponsor for speakers looking to connect with sponsors."

Tony Green
Speaking Green Communications
Some of my wonderful sponsors:

Time Warner"The perfect event to get that new employee that you are looking for in a short amount of time, in a casual and fun, party type of setting, with a good small group of applicants with a deep work history."

Time Warner

Bunim-Murray (Project Runway)"…a fun, unique environment for meeting potential, future employees. It was a better way for us to get the word out in a more intimate setting."

Bunim-Murray (Project Runway)