Creating your own job means no more resumes, no interviews, and no rejection.
After getting fired from my last job, I started creating my own job. Here are some of the jobs I’ve created or had created for me:
- $500 a night working the coat check in a fancy restaurant
- $2500 a month as a corporate publicist working 4 days a month
- $2500 a month just to be on call as a spokeperson
- Hanging out with celebrities at Cannes, making over 6 figures a year
- $200 a day reading scripts
- $40 an hour transcribing
What do all of those jobs have in common? I got all of them without a resume, interview, agent, recruiter or HR. None ofthem were on a job board, classified ad or online. And I didn’t have any experience or training for any of them.
I got them all by using the techniques
I’ll teach you in my seminar.
What You'll Learn:
- 3 ways to guarantee you'll have more work than you can handle, even in the worst economy
- The one "job" everyone should have that costs nothing to start
- How to create a job so unique you won't even have any competition
Order NOW and receive a FREE copy of "The Money Garden: How to Plant the Seeds for a Lifetime of Income" ($24.95 value)